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Terms & Conditions

This website is owned and operated by Bonnie Newton ABN: 75 806 983 268, trading as Bonnie Newton Naturopathy


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me: 

Bonnie Newton

PO Box 36458

Winnellie NT 0821


This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website. Please take a moment to read them, as they set out your important rights and obligations and I care about making sure we both know where we stand. 


When you visit this website and engage in my services you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t accept this agreement, you should not continue to visit this website and you should contact me to cancel any booked appointments.


These terms may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.


All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.



Website Content - Disclaimer


On this website you will find information on my services, blogs, recipes, e-books and health information. This information is provided solely for the purpose of general information.


My Rights and Responsibilities 

  • Please be aware that the generalised information I provide is not a substitute for a health professionals advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

  • I take lots of care to provide valuable information but I cannot be responsible for the use that you make of that information. 

  • There is no professional relationship formed between us unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing my services.

  • While I take all reasonable care to ensure that the information I provide is accurate, relevant and up-to-date, I make no guarantees in this regard and disclaim any legal liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness or error. 

  • I may modify this information provided on this website at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice.

  • I do not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.


Visitor Responsibilities 

  • While I’ve put a lot of time and energy into creating website content which is broadly applicable for many people, you need to use your common sense and take responsibility for your own health, safety and wellbeing.

  • If you are experiencing health concerns, it is imperative to seek help from a professional. Simply taking advice from my website may not be accurate for your specific health needs. Without professional assistance it could in fact be detrimental to your health.​

  • You should never delay seeking medical advice or assistance because of information on my website. The information and opinions expressed here are not to be taken as accurate or complete, or as an alternative to individualised advice from a health professional.



The downloads provided on this website are created with the intention of providing information and practical advice so that people can make healthier choices. While I take every care to ensure content is safe, I am not responsible for viruses or any other damage which might occur as a result of downloading material from this website. Please ensure you maintain adequate internet security. 


External Links

The external links are for your convenience to direct you to my booking system, Zoom and other websites to complement the running of this website and my business services. I am not responsible for the content of any of the external sites that are linked to this website. 



Intellectual Property



  • You may not copy or reproduce any part of my content without my written consent.

  • The content of this website is protected by copyright, with all rights reserved. 

  • Commercial exploitation of my content in any way that competes with my business is strictly prohibited.

  • You are welcome to share blog posts or other publicly available content through social media, but you must provide a link back to this website or my social media page.

  • You may not use my logo or name for any purpose without my permission.



My Services - Disclaimer


There are a number of ways you may choose to work with me that are available to purchase or book through my website. The terms and conditions in this document apply to all of my services and products unless alternative terms are explicitly stated. 


I provide naturopathic consultation and support in four main areas:

  • Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalance 

  • Preconception 

  • Fertility and IVF 

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum 


My intention is to provide support, solutions and practical advice to help woman overcome health and fertility issues, to optimise health and to support healthy pregnancies and postpartum recovery (alongside their primary care providers).



I am a qualified naturopath, holding a Bachelor of Health Science. I have 5 years experience in the areas of fertility and women’s health. I am a member of the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners’ Association (ANPA) which has strict member requirements and qualification standards. Membership requires ongoing education with yearly profession development requirements to ensure I am developing my skills and staying up-to-date on the latest scientific evidence. I am committed to providing the best naturopathic care possible and I always strive for best practice and client outcomes.


Client Responsibility 

Naturopathy consultations involve very in-depth questions about all aspects of your health and body but in no way are you meant to feel judged or under scrutiny. I want you to feel comfortable because if you do not provide me with accurate information about your health, I may not be able to offer you the most appropriate treatment for your condition and therefore you may not see the results you desire. You must provide me with full and accurate information about your diagnosed medical conditions, medications or supplements, IVF treatment and protocols, known allergies and intolerances, so I can ensure safety of treatment and check for pharmacological interactions with any herbs or nutrients I prescribe. 


Important Information

I love sharing my naturopathic knowledge and helping women, however please respect that I do not give personalised health advice without a consultation.


Prescriptions involve diet and lifestyle recommendations and supplements which contain herbs and/or nutrients. Supplements are an additional cost. Although supplements are generally safe - some may have side effects including aggravation of pre-existing symptoms, the appearance of new symptoms and discomfort. These are generally mild, foreseeable and very easily rectified by making a small change.


Health, and in particular fertility, is complex. It's important to manage expectations and understand results not guaranteed. Overall, most people who are willing to commit to change, persist and make all the necessary adjustments will often find success. There is no overnight or one time fix so the people who allow me to come on the journey with them, providing support, advice and encouragement and the people who see me regularly, they are the people who most often make progress. 



Payment Terms


Forms of Payment 

Payment is made at the end of a consultation or when a request is made for supplement repeats. All amounts quoted and charged are in Australian dollars. Payments are made via direct bank deposit (for supplement repeats or online appointments) and EFTPOS (for in clinic appointments).


Payment Terms

Invoices are emailed immediately after consultations. It is expected you pay immediately (so supplements can be organised and shipped as soon as possible) or within 3 days. Emailing a remittance to confirm payment is advantageous and always appreciated. 

If you have financial difficultly or cannot pay the full invoice amount you are expected to tell me at the beginning of your consultation.


Payment Plans

At this stage I do not offer payment plans. Please contact me if finances are your main barrier to booking an appointment and I will try to work with you to find a solution.



Delivery and Shipping



Consultations are conducted in clinic at Amalfi Bodyteca or online via Zoom. Zoom links are emailed after you have confirmed your appointment (or no later than the morning of your appointment) with full instructions. Links are unique and password protected.



Supplements prescribed are shipped to you directly from one of my suppliers. I use a variety of suppliers who use courier services or Australia Post. Fees are additional. You should receive your items within 2-4 business days depending on your location.



Appointment Policies 


Intake Forms

When booking with me for the first time you will receive a welcome email with a link to online intake form. Please ensure this is completed prior to your appointment. I may send you additional forms or questionnaires if necessary, for example for fertility or IVF support appointments.


Any difficulties with forms please let me know - links can be resent or PDF copies can't be emailed as an alternative. 


Zoom and Consultation Times

Initial consultations are 60 minutes for general appointments and 90 minutes for fertility and IVF support. Follow up consultations are 30 minutes. If the consultation exceeds  time allocations additional fees may apply at my discretion.


Consultation time is precious. Please follow instructions and complete an intake form and download or update Zoom prior to your scheduled appointment. If not completed this will need to be done during your appointment and will result in lost consultation time.


When you click the Zoom link you will enter a virtual waiting room where you will wait for the consultation to start. I recommend entering 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to allow for techinal issues. If you are having technical issues please email me immediately, I will call you as soon as I can. If I am having technical issues I will call you.


On rare occasions I may be running late. If I expect to be more than 5-10 minutes late I will let you know via email, otherwise please be patient with me as I finish with the client ahead of you. 


Likewise, I will allow 5 minutes past your scheduled appointment time to wait for you. After 5 minutes I will give you a call. If you do not answer and don't return my call within another 5 minutes you will be deemed a no show. 


For in clinic appointments at Amalfi Bodyteca, please follow instructions and fill out the required intake form as well as arriving to your appointment on time. If you are running late please calling Amalfi Bodyteca 0474 568 745



If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give 24 hours notice via email. If you find yourself unexpectedly unwell on the day of your consult, please contact me as soon as possible to reschedule


Cancellation Policy 

A cancellation policy applies to last minute cancellations and no shows. No shows are charged 50% of the consultation fee. Last minute cancellations (less than 24 hours notice) are charged 50% of the consultation fee, at my discretion. 


If you don’t show up or cancel your appointment at the last minute, I will request pre-payment of future consultations. 


If I am unwell or unable to conduct the consultation I will aim to provide at least 24 hours notice. I will call or text you as appropriate.



Refund Policy


Change of Mind

I do not offer refunds for change of mind after a consultation. If you are unhappy with the consultation or it has not met your expectations, then please contact me to discuss.


Refunds are available if you have booked and paid for your consultation in advance and wish to cancel your booking, but you must give 48 hours’ notice, ahead of your scheduled appointment time. I will arrange a refund directly into your nominated bank account.


Order Fulfilment Policy

If a supplement I have prescribed for you is out of stock with my suppliers there are two options:

  1. We will wait for that supplement to be back in stock and available: or

  2. I will find a suitable alternative and issue a credit note for any difference in price.



Consumer Guarantees


Minor Problems 

Should a minor problem occur, I will find a solution and resolve this issue as soon as possible. Minor problems include:


Problems with supplements:

  • incorrect product sent by third party supplement company

  • issue with the product sent by third party company

  • damage occurred to product during transit


Technical problems:

  • difficulty opening/downloading a PDF information sheet or treatment plan

  • email issues

  • broken or expired links


Problems with consultations:

  • sickness on the day of a consultation

  • late cancellation of appointment or no show

  • internet issues 

  • Zoom issues 


Problems with treatment plans and prescriptions:

Although naturopathic recommendations and prescriptions are generally safe - some may have side effects including aggravation of pre-existing symptoms, the appearance of new symptoms and discomfort. Some common examples include nausea or loose stools. These instances are rare and minor, and rest assured can be remedied either by adjusting supplement dosage, time of administration, or by tweaking the treatment plan and advice. Likelihood of side effects are always considered and discussed during the consultation but on rare occasions there may be unforeseen and individual anomalies. 


Major Problems 

Allergic reaction:

It is your responsibility to notify me of any allergies, intolerances or reactions you have experienced in the past. If you experience an unexpected allergic reaction to a supplement I have prescribed, you must notify me straight away. 

Immediately call 000 if you are experiencing life threatening symptoms (e.g. anaphylaxis) 


Achieving expected results:

Results and progress depend on many factors, with the single biggest being your compliance. Naturopathy is holistic and often requires dietary changes, lifestyle changes and taking supplements until balance is restored.  There is no single supplement, or quick fix I can give you to resolve your issues overnight. Treatment plans do require some hard work, commitment and willingness to change on your part. It is also important to understand that everyone is unique and will respond to treatment differently, due to variance in genetics, environment, diet and lifestyle. Therefore, it is not possible to make any treatment or timeline guarantees with regards to your clinical outcomes.


Invitation to Discuss a Problem 

If you feel that there is any problem with my services, please let me know so we can discuss your concerns and attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable solution.


Specific Terms of Sale

Any advice and supplements prescribed are for you and you alone. You must not give any of your prescribed supplements to family members or friends. I encourage all individuals to seek advice from a qualified health professional prior to any self-prescription to ensure safety and efficacy.


Limitation of Liability 

You agree to indemnify me (hold me blameless) for any injury or illness that you might suffer or any damage or loss that might occur while we are working together. If you have any doubts at all about any issue that might arise, you agree that you will conduct your own research and make your own fully informed decision about what is best for you. 


In no event shall I be liable to you for costs, loss or damage of any kind. If this clause is unenforceable for any reason, my total cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind shall not exceed the total amount you have paid me for my services.



Jurisdiction & Dispute Resolution



If you have any concerns, issues or complaint arising out of your use of this website, my products or services, or these terms and conditions, we agree to communicate with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution, trying to resolve the dispute through negotiation and discussion.



If we are unable to resolve a dispute by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, we agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking online dispute resolution or mediation by telephone if we are not both residing in the Northern Territory, Australia.


The mediator is to be appointed by agreement between us or, failing agreement within twenty-one (21) days of the first notification of the dispute, the person initiating the dispute will seek the appointment of a dispute resolution professional by the Resolution Institute: The Resolution Institute Mediation Rules shall apply to the mediation and we agree to share the costs of mediation equally between us.



It is a condition precedent to the right of either of us to commence litigation other than for interlocutory relief that we have first offered to submit the dispute to mediation. Litigation is to be considered a last resort and may not be commenced until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted.



We both agree that we shall not publicly or privately disparage each other, but rather shall act in good faith to refrain from any conduct or communication which might reasonably be expected to interfere with the business and/or personal interests of each other.



This agreement is subject to the governing law of the Northern Territory. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of the Northern Territory, and the Commonwealth of Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.




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