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Preconception Care
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So many women are mindful of what they eat or do while they are pregnant but did you know that what you do before you have conceived has a greater influence on the health of your child? In recent years research indicates that your health when you conceive and during pregnancy can affect the health of your children into adulthood, especially in relation to the child's susceptibility to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression and cancer.


Preconception care involves improving all health factors that influence your fertility and other issues that can affect the health of your child. A healthy body is a fertile body, so it's all about helping you be the absolute best you can be.


Preconception care is for anyone who is planning a baby, at any age and at any stage in your fertility journey... and it's not just for women!! Men provide half the genetic material so supporting male health and fertility is just as important. I offer preconception care for men and if you would like a couples appointment please email me.


Preconception care is tailored to your individual needs and includes:

  • Dietary advice

  • Correcting nutrient deficiencies and optimising nutrient status for fertility, pregnancy and foetal development

  • Identifying and addressing health issues or imbalances

  • Detoxification support 

  • Balancing hormones to support ovulation and optimal fertility 

  • Learning your fertile window and how to track ovulation 

  • Supporting and improving egg quality/development and sperm parameters 

  • Stress and mental health support

  • Lifestyle advice to avoid and remove factors that influence reproductive health and the health of your child 

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