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Pregnancy &
Postpartum Support
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Pregnancy is such a special time and it is a pleasure and a privilege to support women throughout and into parenthood. Pregnancy is full of great physical and mental/emotional changes and our aim is to educate and support you so you can make informed and considered choices that best suit you while being as healthy and as comfortable as possible.


Labour and birth can be daunting but naturopathic advice and support can extend your knowledge and resources for achieving your birthing goals. Herbal medicine and birth kit recommendations can help ready your body for an uncomplicated labour and birth.


Equally, don't underestimate the importance of the fourth trimester or postpartum care. This area is often overlooked but this is when women most need support and education around nutrition and plans to aid healing, recovery, encourage milk flow, promote sleep, improve energy and preserve mental health. Taking utmost care of yourself is essential so you can bond, connect and take care of your child.


Pregnancy and Postpartum care includes:

  • Diet and nutritional advice to ensure the healthiest possible pregnancy and to support foetal development 

  • Trimester specific support including (but not limited to):

    • morning sickness, nausea and vomiting 

    • anaemia prevention or treatment 

    • fatigue

    • insomnia or sleep disturbances 

    • constipation and haemorrhoids 

    • leg cramps or restless legs 

    • reflux or heartburn

    • fluid retention

    • varicose veins

    • stretch marks

    • low or high blood pressure 

    • thrush 

    • UTIs

    • colds/flu, sinus issues or other infections 

    • anxiety

    • depression

  • Stress management 

  • Mental and emotional support 

  • Optimising microbiome health and GBS prevention

  • Reducing bub's risk of atopic conditions (asthma, eczema, allergies)

  • Labour and birth preparation

  • Breast feeding support 

  • Post partum support 

  • Post natal depression and anxiety

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