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darwin naturopath bonnie at desk

Working with Us

We describe naturopathy as being similar to detective work. It involves case taking where we brings together all the information from your presenting issue, current health status, previous medical history, test results, and other sources to assess your hormone health or fertility. We are like a detective, asking lots of questions, getting to know you, so we can identify the cause of your health problems. The information obtained helps formulate a holistic and individualised treatment plan tailored specifically to you and your needs.

Initial Consultations 

Initial Consultation (Womens Health, Hormone Imbalances, Pregnancy)

(60 minutes)


Initial Couples Fertility or IVF Consultation

(90 minutes)


Initial consultations involve a thorough investigation of your current health complaint, as well as other aspects of your health and body.

Your needs are assessed in depth and detail. You will receive advice and recommendations about herbal medicines, nutritional supplements and importantly diet and lifestyle practices you can implement yourself, at home, to improve your situation. Your individualised treatment plan will be finalised and sent to you via email after your initial consultation.​

Follow up Consultations 

Follow Up Consultation

(30 minutes)


Follow up consultations assess how you are going. We discuss your progress, new and old symptoms, compliance and address any other issues. Your treatment plan may be modified and updated.​

Online Appointments 

All appointments are online via Zoom. 

darwin naturopath Emma with laptop
darwin naturopath Bonnie with client
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